Change to Equity Fund Asset Allocation
The Board of Trustees of the Kansas Methodist Foundation voted, after an extensive review through the last six months, to adjust our Equity Fund asset allocation starting at the beginning of October 2022. The allocation change includes reducing the Equity Fund’s allocation to international equities by 10%, and to begin using a socially responsible US Equity Index fund. The Board believes that these modifications will help KMF better meet the needs of the churches and agencies in Kansas, as well as slightly reduce the risk of the Equity Fund.
The new asset allocation for the Equity Fund offered through KMF is as follows:
45% U.S. Equity Fund
20% U.S. Equity Index Fund, and
35% International Equity Fund
This change will only impact the Equity Fund. It will not change the asset allocation of the Balanced Fund.
If you would like to make changes to your asset allocations, or if you have questions about this change, please contact us. You can contact Gloria ( or Dustin (