The Kansas Methodist Foundation is honored to support Methodist churches and organizations in Kansas through Pathways for Discipleship Grants. One-time matching grants, ranging from $250-$1,000, are awarded to advance ministries across our state, especially in ways that are creative, innovative, and new.
Through these Pathways for Discipleship Grants, KMF supports programs and ministries all across Kansas to be adaptable to new possibilities. Many churches or organizations have new ideas that, if they were supported with additional funding, could make an impact. These grants come alongside local support for helping make disciples of Jesus Christ, change lives, and transform communities.
Justice Ministries:
This pathway provides grants for programs focused on healing racial divisions, increasing equity among God’s children, encouraging inclusion, and broadening people’s understanding of diversity and unjust systems.
Children and Youth Programs:
This pathway fund provides support for all aspects of programming for children, youth and young adult ministries. The endowment fund assists with the developing of new, unique programs to impact children, youth and young adults through local church, district, campus ministry or conference experiences. This fund may assist camping and campus ministry leadership development or training.
Ministry and Outreach:
This pathway fund provides ministry grants for churches and organizations that will expand their missional outreach. These grants are for programming, outreach ministry, and mission trips. Ministry grants help make disciples of Jesus Christ, for the transformation of the world. Brick and mortar requests will not be funded.
Leadership Education:
This pathway fund provides support for education and leadership development of clergy and lay leaders. This fund may also assist in providing trainings for a church, network, or regional gathering.
In an effort to meet and reach people where they are, members of the Sedan, Wauneta, and Elgin UMCs began the Gathering Ministry in a local coffee shop. The group meets on the first Wednesday of the month. Since the group’s inception, they have connected with new people and had the opportunity to make invitations to church. Some of the families are now members of the church. Through the support of a Pathways for Discipleship grant, the church had funding to sustain the project.
Shield of Faith Mission Trip
Students in the youth group at Larned UMC took a mission trip to Kansas City. While in KC, the 13 students and leaders served at various ministries. The first stop was delivering Happy Kits to Children’s Mercy Hospital. At the next stop, they helped at Healing House by cleaning up the parking lot and scraping an outdoor wall so that other volunteers can repaint it. Next, they learned about the Veterans Community Project and assembled boxes of free food to be given to veterans. The last stop on the trip was at the global headquarters of FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes. After a tour of the building, students helped FCA by moving boxes.
Journey to Wholeness
With the goal of creating a new ministry to promote wholeness, Wichita Heart of Christ UMC started a new Journey to Wholeness ministry. The fitness ministry helps people understand the importance of being whole spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally.
The weekly workouts include a variety of ways to get physical from power walking, Zumba, Yoga, and more. Through the support of a Pathways for Discipleship grant, the church was able to buy the equipment needed for the workouts. In addition, the fitness time concludes with healthy snacks.
Central Believers' Club
After the pandemic, members of the Burden UMC desired to restart the Central Believers’ Club for children from Kindergarten through 8th grade. Through the support of a Pathways for Discipleship grant, leaders were able to purchase the needed supplies for the year as well as provide opportunities for the children to go to church camp this summer.
Each week the students studied the chronological order of Jesus’ life and their memory verses were posted in their “Clubhouse” meeting space. During Advent, students experienced hands-on Bible lessons during Advent with nativity scenes.
Congratulations to the 2023 Grant Recipients:
Arlington UMC Belleville First UMC
Burlington MC
Fairway: Old Mission UMC
Great Plains Board of Ordained Ministry and Mercy Justice Team
Great Plains Retired Clergy and Spouses
The Hub Argentine K State Wesley McPherson First UMC
Murdock UMC Newton Trinity Heights UMC Peace Connections, Inc. Phillipsburg UMC Pretty Prairie UMC Sedgwick County Multifaith Justice Organization Tonganoxie UMC Wichita Heart of Christ UMC
Pathways for Discipleship grants would not be possible without the generosity of faithful donors who support the grant ministry through cash and estate gifts. If you would like to make a difference for new programs and ministries across Kansas, you can make a gift online or contact KMF to make a gift of stock or estate gift.