Rate of Return as of October 31, 2024, net-of-investment fees
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund returns represent the historical return for the Wespath Multiple Asset Fund (100%) until October 2024, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (25%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), Wespath International Equity Fund (20%), and Wespath Fixed Income Fund (35%). The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath International Equity Fund (35%), and subsequently changed October 2024 to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (40%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (40%), and Wespath International Equity Fund (30%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Check back mid-November for the most up-to-date market information.
Investment Advantages with KMF
Wespath Institutional Investments' Karen Manczko, Director of Institutional Relationships, joined Rev. Dr. Dustin Petz, KMF’s President & CEO, to share how the Foundation invests funds to make a difference in the world in alignment with the values of the Church, while also making a competitive return to grow resources for ministry.
Quarterly Investment Report
2024 3rd Quarter Investment Summary
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath Interntional Equity Fund (35%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath Interntional Equity Fund (35%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath Interntional Equity Fund (35%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath Interntional Equity Fund (35%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath Interntional Equity Fund (35%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath Interntional Equity Fund (35%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%) until October 2022, when the asset allocation changed to Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (45%), Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund (20%), and Wespath Interntional Equity Fund (35%). The U.S. Equity Index Fund is the Wespath U.S. Equity Index Fund. The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%). The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%). The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. More information about the funds and benchmarks can be found at https://www.wespath.com/funds. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees*
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%). The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%). The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
*Historical returns are not indicative of future performance. The Balanced Fund performance is the Wespath Multiple Asset Strategy performance. The Equity Fund returns represent the historical data for the Wespath U.S. Equity Fund (55%) and the Wespath International Equity Fund (45%). The Fixed Income Fund performance is the Wespath Fixed Income Fund. The Short Term Income Fund is a combination of multiple investment instruments of the Foundation. The Foundation hired Wespath Institutional Investments on November 1, 2019. The Administration Fee of the Foundation is not included.
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
Monthly Investment Reports from Wespath Institutional Investments
Quarterly Update on KMF Funds from Wespath Institutional Investments
2021 2nd Quarter Investment Summary
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees
Market Commentary
• The S&P 500 and NASDAQ increased 2.3% and 5.6%, respectively, reaching record levels during the month.
• Inflation, as measured by the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) Price Index, reached 3.9% year-over-year in May. The Core PCE Price Index, which excludes volatile food and energy prices, rose 3.4%. Similarly, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) increased 5% year over year in May, its largest increase since August 2008.
• Yields of longer-dated U.S. Treasury securities decreased during the month of June as Federal Reserve officials indicated the central bank may increase short-term interest rates sooner than previously projected.
Market Commentary is provided by Wespath Institutional Investments.
2021 1st Quarter Investment Summary
Investment Performance
Rates of Return are net-of-investment fees
Market Commentary
• The S&P 500, Dow Jones Industrial Average and NASDAQ increased in March amid rising optimism for an economic recovery, while fixed income markets declined as U.S. Treasury bond yields rose.
• President Biden signed into law a $1.9 trillion coronavirus aid spending bill. The package included direct checks and jobless aid, as well as money for schools, vaccine distribution efforts, and state and local governments.
• The U.S. economy added 916,000 non-farm jobs in March, marking a seven-month high and exceeding economists’ median estimate of 660,000, according to a Bloomberg survey. The unemployment rate decreased to 6%.
Market Commentary is provided by Wespath Institutional Investments.
Let's Get Started
If you have questions about your account or fund performance, contact Gloria Markus, Director of Finance of the Kansas Methodist Foundation.