Estate Planning 

Every adult needs a plan to settle their earthly affairs. From a faith perspective, we believe it is our responsibility to serve as good stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. Stewarding requires proper planning.
KMF can help you secure or update your plan as well as leave a lasting legacy to your church and to other ministries/causes important to you. Our experienced staff can meet with you to discuss your estate planning considerations on a confidential basis with no cost or obligation.

We can assist you in preparing or updating your estate by:

- Educating on options to guide the administration of your         assets.
- Explaining documents tied to a complete estate plan.
- Sparking considerations related to your assets and optimal     ways to distribute them to heirs and charity.
- Connecting you with an estate attorney to put your plan in     place.
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The Kansas Methodist Foundation is pleased to announce the creation of a new seminary scholarship fund, the Rev. Gary and Betty Beach Seminary Scholarship.

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The Kansas Methodist Foundation is grateful to have the opportunity to announce the creation of the Naomi Green Scholarship.

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Giving Charitably In Your Estate

Why Include a Charitable Bequest in your Will or Trust?
As disciples of Jesus and stewards of God’s resources, we consider how we can make an impact on the Church and world around us through our estate. One common denominator of all who leave a charitable gift is a sincere desire to give back to your church, the community, or a particular ministry. In addition to providing for heirs, charitable giving is part of your legacy.

One key advantage of using KMF to care for your bequest is we can receive and distribute the funds, in the percentages you determine, to your church, Methodist organizations and ministries, and other 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations, per your donor agreement. The beneficiaries of your fund can be updated, free of charge, at any time without going back to your attorney. Through KMF, you can establish a fund for a designated amount of time or into perpetuity. Partnering with KMF simplifies your estate plan and provides confidence that your charitable wishes will be fulfilled.

Want to learn more? Check out these free resources on Wills and Bequests.
You will be enriched in every way so that you can be generous on every occasion, and through us your generosity will result in thanksgiving to God.
- 2 Corinthians 9:11


Work with attorney John Griffin of Stewardship Counseling LLC to design your estate plan or work through a free planning guide with a KMF staff member. KMF makes these services available to you free of charge and connects you with experts to draft new documents or modify existing plans.
Schedule an appointment
John Griffin

Let's Get Started

Through creating a bequest you can make a lasting impact with your resources. The first step is scheduling a time to talk with Tyler Curtis, Chief Development Officer of the Kansas Methodist Foundation. ​
Email Tyler
Tyler Curtis
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100 East First Ave​  |  Hutchinson, Kansas 67501​
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